HK is for Hadi Kuncoro

My photo
A Friend, Husband & Father! Time is always change and so does the world! House of Changes by HK is there to partner with you to share, brainstorm and dreams. We build a new pardigm for a better life and society. I do invite you to encourage ourself to lead the changes! Hadi Kuncoro

Friday, December 07, 2007

Selamat Tinggal AdeS Waters Indonesia Tbk

Desember 2007, adalah akhir perjalanan selama 2 tahun, 1 bulan dan 5 hari aku berkaris di industri air.
mulai per 19 Desember 2007 aku melanjutkan perjalanan hidup profesionalku ke Oil industry.

Perjalanan penuh dengan cerita, pengetahuan dan pengalaman banyak menghiasi dari setiap waktu berlalu.

Selamat tinggal AdeS Waters Indonesia Tbk and selamat datang Shell Indonesia.

Hadi Tea Euy!


Anonymous said...

Life must go on....
Congrats & good luck with the new assignment.

neng_geulis said...

Wah... huebat euy..
Selamet yah.. semoga makin sukses dikarirnya

neng_geulis said...
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