HK is for Hadi Kuncoro

My photo
A Friend, Husband & Father! Time is always change and so does the world! House of Changes by HK is there to partner with you to share, brainstorm and dreams. We build a new pardigm for a better life and society. I do invite you to encourage ourself to lead the changes! Hadi Kuncoro

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Si Princes Lebah di HighScope

Ini dia si Putri Lebah.......
Hari ini program holiday schoolnya Aurel bertemakan Hari Kostum binatang atau buah. Bunda pilihin Aurel kostum Lebah "seneng banget deh pakenya"

ini dia si putri lebah dengan gigi kelincinya

Bangun tidur pagi tadi Aurel langsung coba kostumnya, padahal belum mandi.
besok hari terakhir di sekolah, programnya carnival day. Tapi sayang bidadariku mulai flu lagi, gara-gara kemarin program disekolah adalah splash water game day.

hadi tea EUY!!!

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