HK is for Hadi Kuncoro

My photo
A Friend, Husband & Father! Time is always change and so does the world! House of Changes by HK is there to partner with you to share, brainstorm and dreams. We build a new pardigm for a better life and society. I do invite you to encourage ourself to lead the changes! Hadi Kuncoro

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Lagaknye .....

Susye...memang kalo aslinye anak kampung.....
mo begaye kaye orang gedongan tetep aje ngampung....
ketambah tampang ame tampilan nggak ade asik-asiknya....(Kagak funky katanye)

tapi ternyata alhamdulillah....
ane jadi lebih jujur ame hidup ane....
ketimbang hidup dijalanin dengen munafik...
ah...entuh yang kagak asik....

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