HK is for Hadi Kuncoro

My photo
A Friend, Husband & Father! Time is always change and so does the world! House of Changes by HK is there to partner with you to share, brainstorm and dreams. We build a new pardigm for a better life and society. I do invite you to encourage ourself to lead the changes! Hadi Kuncoro

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Aurel 2 Tahun loh....

Walopun telat, Foto-foto Aurel akhirnya ayah tayangin juga
Maap ya Nak, dan Selamat tiup lilin yah...

Aurel main Pasir di Anyer, menjelang acara Ultah
Aurel, siap-siap mo nyanyi di panggung nih....
Bunda, Aurel, Ayah
Acara tiup lilin tapi kue tartnya peyok-peyok ya...
"Makasih, Oom dan Tante pestanya meriah loh"
"Puuich.... ayo monyong-monyongan Yok...."

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