HK is for Hadi Kuncoro

My photo
A Friend, Husband & Father! Time is always change and so does the world! House of Changes by HK is there to partner with you to share, brainstorm and dreams. We build a new pardigm for a better life and society. I do invite you to encourage ourself to lead the changes! Hadi Kuncoro

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Libur Tlah Tiba...Hore...Hore...Hore....

Libur tlah tiba
Libur tlah tiba
Bunda dan Aurel di taman bermain...di puncak bukit...hiii....dingiiinn.......
Ayah kesasar di salah satu under ground station.....
Aurel ama mak ketek.... di taman safari......
Ayah dan Bunda lagi makan di salah satu food court....
Ini dia ketika kami di salah satu pure......

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